Our Land Search Journey

Overview | Our Land Search Journey

Our Land Search Journey

In June of 2020, we toured a prospective 104 acre organic farm in Wales, Maine as part of our journey to find a permanent home for our organization and land security for over 210 families who participate in the Liberation Farms program. On August 24, 2020, just a few months later and with the support of the Agrarian Trust, we raised the initial $367,000 to acquire this land. We received contributions from individuals, businesses, organizations, and foundations all across the country. Some of the folks who showed up the most for us were fellow farmers here in Maine. We will always be grateful for everyone that made our dream of owning farmland a reality. Learn more about our journey to find farmland in our Land Search Case Study and video below.


SBCA is looking forward to working with Agrarian Trust to transfer ownership of the land in the first quarter of 2024. We are excited to update our community and supporters on this process soon.

Somali Bantu Community Association Finds Farmland